Mood boards Alien

I am going to be looking at 10 different images of aliens to see if I can get any inspiration.alien 1

I like this picture because the aliens look creepy with the ominousĀ fog surrounding them making them look threatening.

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I like this picture because of the background and the design of the aliens which looks really nice.

alien 3.jpg

I like this picture because it looks like a dog but in alien form and I like the lighting and shading of the picture and how weird the alien looks.

alien 4

I like this picture because of how well the colours blend well together and the fact that the alien looks really intelligent and peaceful.

alien 5

I like this picture because the octopus like alien looks really spooky and I like how it glows and stands out.

alien 6.jpg

I like this picture because of the fire background and the fact the alien looks threatening and powerful because of the environment.

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I like this picture because of how detailed the alien looks and texture and the colour of the alien skin makes it looks cool. The shading and lighting are also very good.

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I like how this picture looks because of the background which makes the creepy animal like dog stand out and I also like the shape of the alien.

alien 9.jpg

I like how this alien looks because it looks sort of like a whale and it has friendly look to it and the colours really mix well.

alien 10

I like how this alien looks because it looks realistic and I really like the florescent look of the alien.

The pictures I like are picture 4, picture 5 and picture 9 I like picture 4 because I think the colours blend really well together and I like the look of the alien I will take inspiration from the colours used on the alien. I like picture because the octopus looks spooky and I like how it glows I will take inspiration from the design of the octopus. I like picture 9 because the picture is water related and I really like how peaceful the animal looks I will take inspiration from the picture and try and make my character look peaceful.

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